Saturday 24 December 2016

#12DaysofGiveaways Day 12: Romance Rebels Publishing SNOWY KNIGHTS


Snowy Knights

10 Suspenseful Contemporary and Paranormal Romantic Rescue Stories

When the cold hits, only he can warm her…
This December, snuggle up with 10 BRAND NEW romantic rescue stories! From literal heroes in the snow, to the bad boy whose soul is saved by love. These sexy stories will burn up your e-reader while melting your heart.

KISS OF ICE by Kayleigh Malcolm
WINTER’S STORM by Gracie Meadows
SNOW ANGEL by Rose Nickol
SNOW-KISSED by Lizabeth Scott

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Day 12 Giveaway Link

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Friday 23 December 2016

#12DaysofGiveaways Day 11: Lori King FROST-BITTEN


(Snowy Knights)

Dr. Quinn Jameson has secured his future by submerging himself in his career, but no amount of money in the world can ease his loneliness. Despite the fact that his inner polar bear is supposed to not need a pack, he finds himself craving more out of life, more contact, more intimacy, maybe even a mate.
Aubrey Celine is pregnant and on the run. This feisty tiger shifter thinks she is out of options when she wakes up in the hospital under the care of the delicious shifter. But after the horror she has gone through, can she trust another man? Even someone who seems so strong and caring?
In the midst of an epic blizzard, these two strangers must rely on each other to stay alive. The sizzling heat between them could melt the ice caps, but will it be enough to melt her frozen heart and give him the warm home he desires most?

The vehicle Dr. Jameson took her too was enormous, and clearly expensive. When she sat up on the gurney with the plan to get up, he barked a sharp No at her.
“You’ve barely got enough on to keep you decent. Let me help.” He instructed, wrapping the thing hospital blanket around her waist and then lifting her as if she didn’t weigh an ounce. She’d forgotten that she was only wearing a hospital gown and panties, but she was grateful that he’d remembered.
His arms felt like thick bands of iron as they held her confidently, muscles flexing with ease. Instinctively she looped her own arms loosely around his neck to keep from falling, and he snorted.
“I won’t drop you if that’s what you’re thinking.”
She felt her cheeks heat, “Oh, no, it’s just…I’ve never been carried before.”
The handsome doctor gave her a thoughtful look before settling her on the plush leather seat. “That’s a damn shame.” He murmured, helping her adjust the blankets around her for warmth and modesty.
Aubrey wasn’t sure what the proper response to his statement would be, so she just stayed quiet. He secured the door, and climbed into the driver’s seat, pulling his cell phone free from his scrubs.
“I need to check in with Kasey…er…Nurse Summers, and make sure everything inside is managed. I was technically supposed to be off the clock forty five minutes ago, so no one should be concerned that I’m gone, but that man of yours is probably freaking the fuck out.”
“He’s not my man.” She hissed, her tiger rushing to the forefront. The only thing stopping her from shifting was her current state of pregnancy. While woman and tiger were generally one and the same being, during the late months of pregnancy the human side of a shifter took over to protect the infant. Her tiger ached to be free, but would never risk harming its offspring. “He’s a heinous beast who seduced me and got me pregnant.”
Dr. Jameson narrowed his eyes at her in the rear view mirror for a moment before he began speaking into his phone. His responses were short and sharp, and within seconds he’d hung up and tossed his phone into the passenger seat.
“All set. Your friend is currently searching the neighborhood for his runaway fiancĂ©e, as he believes you went AWOL against medical advice.” he explained as started the ignition. “Stay down a little longer if you don’t want to be spotted.”
Aubrey did as she was told, hunching down on the buttery soft bench seat with only the car’s luxurious interior and one delicious smelling man to look at. Trapped in this enclosed space with Dr. Jameson, she became keenly aware of her body’s attraction to him. Damn hormones.
“It’s normal.” He murmured.
“I’m sorry?”
“The arousal. It’s normal during pregnancy. Your hormones are a bit chaotic.” He glanced over at her and Aubrey felt her face heat up. “I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed about it.”
“Well you majorly failed at that, Doc.” She grumbled.
“My name is Quinn. Considering I just helped you escape a dastardly villain, I think we should be on first name terms.”
Several more minutes passed before he spoke again.
“We just crossed the river, so you should be okay to sit up now.” He instructed, turning the car off the main road.
Aubrey struggled to get her bearings in an unfamiliar part of the city. “Where are we going?”
“My house.” He looked her way again and shifted the gears flawlessly, “Unless you have another destination in mind?”
“I didn’t have any destination in mind. I just had to get out. Honestly, I didn’t even pause to consider the risk of leaving when I saw my opening. I just ran.” Her voice cracked and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She had no idea where the streak of fearlessness had come from. Alex had been threatening her the entire time he’d held her captive, and until the moment she’d noticed the lock wasn’t secured, she’d never even seriously considered making an escape attempt.
“I know who you’re running from, but what I don’t understand is why? What did this guy, Alex, do to you?”
“He kidnapped me.”

Day 11 Giveaway Link

Purchase Snowy Knights for 99 cents!

Thursday 22 December 2016

#12DaysofGiveaways Day 10: Lizabeth Scott SNOW-KISSED


(Snowy Knights)

Reed Hamilton, a home restoration expert, is more comfortable in her steel-toed boots than teetering on heels at a shopping mall. Relationships she usually kills from neglect so she’s taken herself off the market. An unexpected assignment to evaluate a potential project in upstate New York has Reed leaving the Victorian she’s working on to meet with the client. A client she discovers spooning her from behind when she wakes up in his bed! Reed finds Mason charming, tempting and hot!
An early snowstorm dumps an irresistible woman at Mason Tate’s door. As beautiful and enticing as he finds her, career focused Mason doesn’t do entanglements of any type. So he proposed that while snow falls outside, they make their own heat inside and then go their separate ways with only pleasant memories of their time together. No emotions, just a good time.
At least that was the plan. Until that kiss.

Oh, my gosh, what have I just agreed to? Reed fell back on their makeshift bed by the fire while waiting on Mason to finish in the bathroom. She smashed her palm on her forehead. What had she been thinking? Mason’s kiss had robbed her of both reason and logic. She’d never done anything so stupid or exciting, and with a man that she found charming, funny, and dangerously gorgeous.
She had to keep reminding herself that this was only a hookup. Why else would a man like Mason be interested in anything else but a fling with a girl who was the exact opposite of anyone he’d ever met before?
Maybe she should put her sweater back on? She’d undressed down to her bra and panties when she’d finished in the bathroom. But maybe that was too forward. Should she have waited and let him undress her? Didn’t men like to do that? She sat up and reached for her clothes she’d tossed hastily on the couch. Her hand stopped. No, Mason was experienced at this. He’d expect her to already be undressed. Wouldn’t he?
She flopped back on the quilts and groaned. Who was she kidding?
She pursed her lips and shook her head. No, she couldn’t do it. How could she sleep with a man she’d known for less than two days? She was crazy to even entertain the idea!
That kiss had left her feeling like she’d been on the ‘Tilt-A-Whirl’ at the fair. And so what if she’d never felt anything even remotely close with anyone else? She wasn’t a worldly type of woman.
When he came back, she’d simply tell him she’d changed her mind, come to her senses, really. He would understand. No problem. Reed turned her head at the sound of the bathroom door closing, the words to stop things between them from going any further on the tip of her tongue.
“Ma…” she began and then swallowed the rest. Whoa, she thought as he walked toward her. There was no way she was turning that down.
Wearing only a pair of tight black boxers, Mason came into view from the darkened hallway, and Reed was sure she heard Pony by Ginuwine playing in the background as he came nearer. She blinked and stopped breathing. The muscles of his thighs bulged, stretching the fabric of each leg. Her gaze moved a few inches higher; her eyes opened wide and then narrowed, zeroing in closer. Not a single inch was left to the imagination. He seemed to grow and hardened even more as she stared, helplessly hypnotized by the moment. When he came nearer, her eyes started their leisurely journey upward. His muscles were so close, her hand itched to reach out and touch each ripple on his tight, defined, and sculptured-to-perfection chest. She gulped and ran her tongue over bone dry lips.
Reed felt her body’s heat rise right along with her gaze. He was every fantasy she’d ever dreamed about; her body recognized him in an elemental way and reacted without her consent. She locked onto his brown eyes, his pupils smoldering as he turned the lamp by the couch off and moved closer. Firelight played over the ridges of muscles on his chest. She held her breath as he crawled under the covers. Their eyes met and she felt the deep scrutiny of his gaze.
He paused and a frown appeared on his handsome face. “Are you having second thoughts?”
The soundtrack in her head came to a screeching halt. Reed couldn’t believe Mason had picked up on her concerns so easily. “N…no,” she stammered and shook her head a bit too fast, making herself dizzy. Or it could have been his scent, a little bit musky and a dash of Irish Spring. “Are you?” she asked, not one-hundred-percent sure she wasn’t crazy for even thinking she didn’t want what Mason offered her.
A slow grin appeared. “You’re not a very good poker player, are you?”
If she was so bad, why did her brothers always want her to play with them? Yeah, she stunk. She’d figured out years ago, when she always left with her pockets empty, that the reason they let her play wasn’t because of her mad skills. “I’ve been told that a time or two, but what does poker have to do with this?”
Mason’s brow rose and he gave her a point-blank look. “Tell me what you’re thinking, Reed. Honestly.”
Her eyes ran over his chest again, and her mouth watered to put her lips on him. She wondered—if he could blow her mind with just a kiss, what would more feel like? She did want him, but deep down, she knew she didn’t feel comfortable enough to actually do the deed. So honesty won out. Damn it! “I know what we agreed on.” And this is when her hands became involved, gesturing wildly with each word. “It’s just I’ve never…I mean, I have done that. Of course, I’ve done that. A lot. No. Not that much. That’s not what I mean. I haven’t…” Reed became more frustrated the more she tried to explain and bombed at getting her message across.
Mason’s lips twitched as he tried not to laugh. He sat up and took her hand in his, helping her to sit up, and they both leaned back against the couch. “Reed, stop babbling. Let me see if I can help you.”
Reed didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened as they took in her bra and panties. She pulled the top quilt over her; she should have left her sweater on. She sighed and slumped back against her pillows. “I wish you would.” Mason didn’t turn her hand loose. Instead, he made tiny circles with his thumb on her wrist. Her stomach clenched, and again, she wondered about her sanity.

Day 10 Giveaway Link

Purchase Snowy Knights for 99 cents!

Wednesday 21 December 2016

#12DaysofGiveaways Day 9: Michel Prince BY THE LIGHT OF A BLIZZARD


(Snowy Knights)

Kelsi Stamp is known all over the world as one of the best-selling Sci-fi authors. Living in a small town she’s able to stay hidden tucked away in her cabin in the woods. Outside of her internet searches she stays away from the world. Readers are fickle and love has turned to an unhealthy obsession in the past.  
As a blizzard bears down on Northern Minnesota Kelsi’s lights flicker then go out right after a large crash echoes through the wilderness. A truck holds an unconscious stranger she is being pulled to, but who is Jace Runyon and why was he driving so fast on a road no GPS even knows exists?

“Never surrender,” she teased as she hopped up and gave a little kick’s worth of snow to his face. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”
Jace rolled on his back and looked straight up into the air. A few pine trees stretched to the heavens, and he guessed he needed to be thankful for the mood killing ice to his junk. No reason to push this further than the few nights’ stand it could end up being. Pushing himself up, he finally caught sight of his truck, or what remained of it. Kelsi wasn’t lying. There really was a transformer sitting on top of his truck. He wondered if the wires still at the top of the pole were live. Either way, it had to have taken out more than just her power.
When he walked into the cabin, the shift in temperature was apparent immediately. Kelsi was slicing a roast and plating the meat. It was then he saw the Dutch oven that must have cooked the food over the fire.
“Crews are being dispatched all over the Northland,” a voice from a wind-up radio spoke. “There are over fifty thousand customers without electricity tonight, and with the temperatures threatening to drop significantly in the next few hours, officials are directing people to the Roseau area schools where generators are set up to keep the heat on until all electricity is restored. Latest reports have the temperatures dropping to negative thirty-five tonight with a wind chill of negative sixty.”
The light on the radio dimmed a bit, and Kelsi turned it off. “Maybe we should have kept the snow pack on the roof for insulation.” She lit two more candles and placed them under the terra cotta planter, then tossed the first two into the trash. “Before you get completely out of your snow gear, would you mind bringing in a few dozen more logs? I have another planter set up, but I only have so many tea lights.”
Jace did as instructed, and soon, they had a pile by the fireplace that should keep them going for a few days if the wind didn’t totally get them.
While they ate, Kelsi laid out a plan to seal in the heat. “My brother tried to call me,” she stated plainly. “I’m surprised the signal made it through. I tried to call him back, but even with roaming, I couldn’t get through. It’s for the best.”
“Why?” Jace asked. “Because you’d have to tell him about me.”
“He’d freak out and rush to my side if he knew I had a stranger in my home.”
“But he’s fine with you being alone in your cabin?”
“Better than with a man I…” Kelsi trailed off and forked a carrot.
“With a man that you what?”
“Nothing.” She popped the carrot in her mouth and then held her hand over her lips.
“Outside, the kiss,” Jace said hitching his thumb over his shoulder. “I—”
“Should have done it sooner,” she replied. “You know, since I’m going to turn you into immigration for crossing the border illegally.”
“You wouldn’t?” Jace sobered at the thought he might have crossed illegally.
“I might,” she replied coyly. “You don’t know my level of crazy.”
“I haven’t seen a dozen cats living with you.”
“Oh, crap,” she said as she stood up quickly.
Jace jumped up too. Was there an animal in the cabin?
“Just kidding, but it’s sweet to know you actually cared.” Kelsi sat down.
Now he knew she was a special kind of loco.
“So, Captain Runyon—”
“I’m a captain now?” he asked a bit bemused.
“Would the Mounties really send a low ranking person to invade the country single handed?”
“I do have mad skills.”
“And you can handle my type of crazy.”
They kept to surface details as they continued with their meal. Jace watched as the sun set and the natural light left the room, replaced by the glow of a few larger candles causing flickers and shadowing that brought out the features on Kelsi’s cheeks. He wanted to trace each one as he explored every inch of her. Instead of good plates, she used paper ones, so the only clean-up they had, helped to fuel the fire.
“You sure like K.T. Stamp,” he said as he stood by her bookshelf.
“Uh-huh,” she replied, and placed another log on the fire.
“I didn’t know he wrote that many books.”
She,” she corrected. “She wrote that many.”
“Huh, I always thought K.T. was a guy.”
“You notice how when you say the initials it sounds like Katie? It’s kind of her way of making the point. Sci-Fi isn’t just for the guys anymore.”
“I watched every episode of The Charter Trilogy.”
“Did you now?” A smirk lit up her face. “And how many of K.T.’s books have you read?”
“Um, I said I watched the TV show.”
“Picking up a book too much for you?”
“No, I have to work two jobs. I’m not really in a position to read freely.”
“You have free time now.” Her suggestion was followed by her coming closer to him.
“Those books haven’t been read.”
“Those copies haven’t,” she said. “I can assure you those books have been read in many countries thousands of times.”
“Are you the president of her fan club?” Jace stepped into Kelsi’s personal space and tucked back her hair. “If so, tell me all about her books. What makes you a mega fan?”
“Right now, it’s Captain Morley of the Third Fleet,” she replied, practically breathless.
“Sounds almost as important as an undercover Mountie,” he challenged, and leaned down to capture her lips. With one hand cradling her face and the other resting on her hip, he discovered she could step back and safely let him take command.
He walked her backward toward the bed, and she gasped when the back of her knees hit the mattress. “Jace…I—”
Placing his finger over her lips, he silenced her. “You only have so many candles and logs to heat this place. How about I show you an alternative heat source?"

Day 9 Giveaway Link

Purchase Snowy Knights for 99 cents!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

#12DaysofGiveaways Day 8: Me! KISS OF ICE


(Snowy Knights)

Alice loves life as a geothermal engineer, searching the globe for her next adrenaline thrill. Falling down a crevice into a glacier and finding a frozen Viking of a man was an adventure she never saw coming.
Erik pissed off the wrong witch and she cursed him. Every living thing he touches…freezes. His only escape was to hide away and hope the curse died with the witch. The gorgeous woman who finds him is everything he’s ever craved, but he can never have.
Can Alice and Erik learn how to break the curse before it’s too late or will the ice freeze their chance for love?

The ice continued to break, creating a massive racket in the enclosed space. Afraid she might have set off a chain reaction, she hobbled back along the wall and shone her flashlight down the narrow passage she’d entered through. Assured that her exit was still safe, she swung the beam of light back to the ice man. The ice continued to crack and break off until his entire body was exposed. Deafening silence fell around her again, broken by the odd shard pinging off the floor.
“Oh, my God. Please don’t be cursed and come back to haunt me, okay? It was an accident.” Alice kept up her talking simply because the sound was comforting in light of what was happening. Curiosity dragged her closer to him; now that the ice was gone, she could see details the ice had hidden.
Thankfully, the massive man didn’t tip toward her like she feared he might. She had a flash of him falling to the ground and shattering into a thousand pieces…eeewww. His skin was mottled a bluish white, and ice crystals sparkled in his hair and in the beard that hid most of his face. His clothes didn’t look as ancient as she expected. Her earlier Viking theory didn’t hold up under the obvious zipper running up the front of his coat. A large wooden medallion hung around his neck; runic symbols were carved around the outside edge, but the inside looked like a stone might have been mounted there at some point.
“Dude, how did you get here? Were you murdered? Did you slide down the same hole I did?” Angling her head, she peered up under the hair in his face. A dark beard covered his jaw and cheeks, ice crystals clinging to the strands. He fascinated her. “I wish I knew your story. If…when…I get out of here I’m going to figure out who you are.” She wouldn’t allow herself to believe anything other than she would find a way out. Then she’d write an article about her discovery, and go on another adventure.
She leaned closer, sliding her fingers over the edges of the large pendant resting against his chest. The angle of her light shifted, and her eyes focused on the pattern the glare had hidden. “Holy shit.” Pulling off her mitten again, she stood up and dug into her pocket for her good luck charm. There were distinctive similarities between the odd-shaped stone and the indentations in the pendant.
Once the idea took root, crazy as it was, she had to check. Sliding the crystal over the wooden medallion, she gently twisted and turned it looking to see if it would actually match up. Her fingers felt chilled, but not enough to stop her, especially when she felt the piece slide into place. It was like a Meerschaum Pipe, but how had the stone found its way to South America when it belonged on the pendant of a man frozen in the Arctic? Fate? Destiny? Alice had been lucky enough to experience a few mystical things while she traveled through the Amazon, but this topped every experience to date. Her mind boggled at all the possible paths these objects had traveled.
Despite the serendipity of the situation…Nothing happened.
“Shit, that’s anticlimactic.” Her words echoed around her in the room, “and it doesn’t help me solve a single thing.” As her last word bounced around the space, she realized that something had changed. The insulated vacuum surrounding her had dissipated. Her heart rate increased, and she stepped away from the large figure in front of her. “As if you had something to do with the echo in here, my ears must have popped or something.”
I wonder what color his eyes were. She stared at his face—the beard covered a lot, but she could make out high cheekbones and his nose had a slight crook to it as if it had been broken. The fabric of his coat was frozen stiff, and she wondered what his skin would feel like. He looked so real and perfectly preserved. It was almost as if his eyes would open at any moment. He reminded her a lot of the hot man bun guy she’d seen pop up on her Facebook feed. Before her fingers touched the strands of hair on his face, something gripped her arm. Between heartbeats, she flicked her gaze down to the hand gripping her wrist over her coat and back up to a pair of incredible emerald green eyes.

Day 8 Giveaway Link

Purchase Snowy Knights for 99 cents!

Monday 19 December 2016

#12DaysofGiveaways Day 7: Nicole Morgan STORM OF SEDUCTION


(Snowy Knights)

Lori Hammond wanted for nothing. As the only heir to her family fortune she’d learned at a young age she only need ask for whatever she desired. All the money in the world hadn’t gotten her the one thing in life that she’d wanted most, Kevin Preston.
As the head of The Gilpin Search and Rescue Team, Kevin knows the dangers that a Colorado blizzard can bring. And with one looming closer to their patch of the Rocky Mountains he and his team prepare for the worst winter storm to hit their county in decades.
Hearing of the blizzard, Lori concocts a scheme to get exactly what she wants. But, will her plan be the thing that brings them together? Or will the rewards not be worth the risk as their very survival hangs in the balance?  

Lori Hammond threw the items into her suitcase as quickly as she could. She mentally ticked off every item on her to-pack list as she went through her closet. With warm socks, turtlenecks, and of course, her all-important red teddy which always had a way of making Kevin weak in the knees, she was just about finished.
“Lori, this is a bad idea. You know that, right?”
She glanced over at her sister, doing her absolute best not to roll her eyes in annoyance. The last thing she needed was to be lectured by her boringly responsible, and annoyingly always right, big sis.
“I’m not kidding, Lori. This is a very bad idea. Have you even thought this through? What about the ‘what ifs’?”
Shaking her head, she answered. “I really don’t need this right now, Stacey.”
“Fine. If you're not going to be reasonable…" Stacey reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. "Maybe I should just call Kevin now and warn him of your extremely bad plan.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
"Wouldn't I? One of us has to act rationally. And as usual, it'll probably have to be me."
“Damn it, Stac. This is my life! Mine! Can’t you just stay out of it? For once!”
"Funny, I seem to recall you saying these exact same things every other time you concocted one of your ridiculous schemes. And despite my numerous objections, you went ahead anyway." Stacey crossed her arms and offered up a look of disapproval. "And tell me, little sis, just how did those other plans work out for you?"
Lori glared at her sister. Partly angry for butting into her business, and partly because she knew her sister was right. Her previous attempts to win Kevin back had gone horribly wrong. She hardly needed a reminder of that.
“This time will be different.”
Stacey shook her head and muttered something quietly that Lori couldn’t understand. Not that she was sure she wanted to hear it, anyway.
“Come on, sis. Please. I’m begging you to not do this right now. Just let me do what I have to and stay out of it this time.” She glanced at her watch and added, “I really have to go now if I’m going to make it to the cabin before the weather turns even nastier.”
“Damn it, Lori.” Stacey crossed the room in a huff and placed her hands on Lori’s shoulders. “Fine. I’ll stay out of it. Just promise me you’re going to be careful.”
“I will be. I promise. Besides, I’m not going into this completely blind. I have long johns on underneath my jeans. I’m wearing two shirts, and I have my thick parka and winter gloves. I’ll be fine.”
“Yes, because that’s all I’m worried about, you getting cold.” Stacey rolled her eyes.
“Kevin loves me. This will work.”
“I’m pretty sure you said that last time. And the time before that, and the time before –.”
“Stop!” Lori put an end to her sister’s never-ending point.
“Ugh. I swear, it’s no wonder Mom has so many gray hairs.”
“I’m a saint.” Lori smiled.
“What you are, is a pain in the ass,” Stacey shrugged before continuing, “but I love you anyway.”
“Love you, too.”
The two hugged, and Lori assured Stacey a few more times before heading out to her car. The wind had already kicked up quite a bit since the last time she was out, and even putting her suitcase in the backseat proved to be a challenge, with her hair whipping around her face like a blindfold.
She heard the faint voice of her sister, barely audible with the howling sounds from the storm thrashing through their canyon.
“What?” Lori yelled back.
“Be careful!” Stacey urged again.
“I’ll be fine, but I’ve got to go.”
“Please, promise me you’ll call me if he doesn’t show!”
Lori pretended not to hear the last part, and slid behind the wheel of her Pathfinder. She understood that her sister meant well, and knew their bond meant there wasn’t a thing they wouldn’t do for one another, but this was one of those times she wished Stacey would just let her be.

Day 7 Giveaway Link

Purchase Snowy Knights for 99 cents!

Sunday 18 December 2016

Counting down to a New Year....17,16,15,14

It's that time of year when everything goes to hell in the retail world. I'm still making notes of what makes me happy and trying my best to be more positive and appreciated of my life. (although I'll admit there are moments when it's really difficult. LoL)

I've gotten myself quite behind over the past couple days and while I'd like to believe I'll stay on target over the coming weeks....there might be another "catch up" post done before it's all over. :)

But today I'm gong to share 4 more things that have made me happy over the past couple days.

1) A friend of mine on FB makes the most amazing paper roses ornaments and wreaths. They are gorgeous absolutly beautiful. One day I'd like to give that a try, but for now I'm going to stick with my version. Crochet hook and yarn, :) I think it turned out really I have 1. I figure in another decade or so I'll get a couple more finished. LoL

2) About 6 months ago I decided that I' was tired of touching up my hair every month because of my greys and I planned to grow all the colour out and go natural. Well....I do like my grey that's coming in. It's really pretty and sparkly but there isn't enough of it yet and after all this time I finally caved and covered them all up. I redid my streak though. After asking an informal poll on my FB page (Pink or Purple) Purple won by a landslide, but again I was inspired by a friend and decided to do both. It's purple with a thin bright pink segment down the centre.

3) My ongoing attempt to eat healthier, and start my day with something other than 2 cups of coffee has spawned something new. I came across a recipe for "Oatmeal to Go" It's like taking a bowl oatmeal and baking it into a portable version. It looked delicious and was crazy easy to make. I got a bag of "country trail mix" at Walmart and that's whats on some of them. The others have chocolate chips because that's the only way I can get anyone in this house to try something new. Put chocolate on it.

4) Winter got a late start for us this year...not that I'm complaining. I'm not a fan of snow and I really hate being cold. But that does mean I can pull out all my comfort food dinners again. The ones that are too heavy or hot for summer. Tonight I made Cottage Pie (not to be confused with Shepard's Pie, that's made with lamb). Not that it's close to a pie because I use the biggest dish I have and even then the savages cleared out half of it on one sitting. I'm going to have to hide some now so I can take it for lunch tomorrow!

Let's keep these happy thoughts going. Share what made you happy today in the comments. Even if it's small...some days are harder than others.