Monday, 13 January 2025

What are the perks of being an author you might wonder?? And there are a few. :)
* I have multiple personalities in my head and no one makes me go on medication.
* I buy books guilt free and call it research
* If I spend the entire day in my PJs drinking coffee, in front of my computer. I can say I was writing and everyone tells me I'm doing a good job.
* "I'm researching it for a book." is the best excuse to get out of everything.
* "I'm on a deadline." Get's me out of all sorts of social engagements I want to avoid.
What other perks did I forget?



Sunday, 12 January 2025

 Overwhelm is definitely something the heroine of Power Surge has to deal with.

If it's not the jerk manager at her job, pickup trucks with "truck nuts" driving like an asshat during rush hour is enough. She's also dealing with menopause and the crazy symptoms that includes.

What she didn't expect was the added stress of the superpower she's developed and trying to learn to manage her emotions before she literally explodes and flattens everything around her.

 Story Aesthetic is a hard thing to put into pictures, especially as I get too caught up in details sometimes. :)

I think this is a good representation of Power Surge.
It's a romance, with a powerful, mature, heroine who faces some dark places but has the support of her silly, fur baby and a man who might be her complete opposite but is perfect for her.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Writer's do need to rest and step away from their work, at times. Personally, I need time to refill my creative well and I do that by curling up with a coffee, a book ,or knitting while listening to an audiobook.

My current project is a pair of mitts for my good friend @roxymews . She introduced me to the darker monster romances and I'm obsessed. LoL We read Kidnapped by the Krampus together last month.

When I saw this pattern, I knew I had to make her a pair! :) Originally I wanted them competed as a present for Yule, but typically I didn't have them completed as quickly as I originally planned.


Thursday, 9 January 2025

 A Bookish Bucket List sounds to me like a TBR Pile...mine is100+ at the moment.

But these are a few at the top of my list, in no particular order...
Caught Up - @navessa.allen
Deadly Illusion - @kathy_lockheart
Ransom - @authorjennamyles
Butcher & Blackbird - @brynne_weaver
Her Cyborg Commander - @SusanHayes
The Orc and the Innkeeper - @coracraneauthor
Captured By The Cupid - @emilybshore

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

 How about another peek into Power Surge for some Chilling Character Behaviour...the moment Aubrey decides to use her new powers to help someone.

Running back toward the alley, Aubrey tugged the balaclava over her head, pulled her hoodie over her head, she yanked on the strings to tighten it a bit over her face and keep it in place.

There wasn’t a single light in the narrow alleyway, only the tiniest sliver of moonshine made it down between the buildings. She slowed as her eyes stared to adjust to the dark and listened. A muffled scream of horror and a scrabbling sound drew her attention and she started running again. Panic and fear grew at a compounding speed in her chest, clawing at her neck. This was crazy, but she couldn’t let that woman get hurt.

On the other side of a dumpster, she caught the man kneeling on the woman’s back, a knife held just in front of his victim’s face. His other hand yanked at her shirt.

Fury blazed through Aubrey. Rushing forward, she grabbed the man by the hair, yanking him to the side so he toppled off the woman.

“What the f***!” He turned and glared at her, bringing the knife up. “You want to take that ****’s place. Fine with me.”

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

 A quick peak into the beginning of a a cozy, car, coffee date in Power Surge.

He spotted her car as he drove down the street, pulling into the coffee shop lot, he backed into the spot next to her. She lowered her passenger window as he lowered his.
“Hey pretty lady, your car or mine?”

Before she could answer, Eddie’s big face appeared between the seats, moth wide open and panting. The big dog scrabbled into the passenger seat and almost out the window as Aubrey cursed from the driver’s seat.

“Woah, okay Eddie. I’m coming over.” John raised his window and jumped out, locking his jeep before opening the passenger door of her car and sliding into the seat. Aubrey had somehow convinced Eddie to get in to the back again, but as soon as John shut the door, Eddie greeted him with a plethora of doggie kisses.