Friday, 17 January 2025

 I had a lot of fun writing conversations between my FMC, Aubrey, her adult daughter Zoe and Zoe's girlfriend Brittney.

The girls live in BC and Aubrey lives in Ontario, so there are a couple facetime conversations in the book and the girls love to give Aubrey a hard time.


“So, do you have a picture of him?” Brittney appeared over her daughter’s shoulder.

“No, I don’t. I’m showing my age I guess because we haven’t taken any selfies.”

Both women laughed and Zoe rolled her eyes. “Come on mom. This isn’t hard. What’s his full name and we’ll find him somewhere.”

“John Mahone, he’s a cameraman for MinouNews.”

Aubrey watched as Brittney typed away on her phone next to Zoe. “Got him!” she crooned a moment later.

“Seriously?” She was amazed. “Have your considered becoming a detective when you grow up?”

Brittney laughed, “No thank you. Talking to people all the time? Yuck, I like my job at the morgue thank you very much. The love of my life here chatters enough for the both of us.”

Zoe grinned and gave Brittney a kiss against her temple. “That’s why we’re so good together. You don’t want to talk much and I like to talk for the both of us.”

Aubrey sipped at her tea and smiled at her girls. Brittney was right, they were perfect for each other. A true opposite attract situation they’d made work.

“Wow, he’s really good looking in a daddy kind of way.” Brittney commented.

“Don’t say that about my future step-father.” Zoe made a face and then tugged at Brittney’s arm so she could see the picture. “Holy shit. Okay mom, promise me you never call him Daddy. We want to.”

Aubrey laughed and tiled her face back, “I promise to never do that. It’s not that kind of vibe.”

“Oh, he calls you Mommy.” She teased, “okay that’s cool. No judgement from us.”

Brittney nodded in agreement with Zoe.

“Shut it!” Aubrey rubbed at her face trying to hide the blush from her cheeks. “It’s not that kind of vibe either. He’s a really nice guy and I like him.”

Zoe’s grin faded slightly, “Jokes aside mom. I’m glad. I really want you to find someone and if this guy works for you then don’t wait around forever. Have some fun in your life. You deserve it.”

Thursday, 16 January 2025

 That's a hyena.....and the extent of how I can explain my organizational skills with writing. Laughable

I'm incredible organized in my day job, but for some reason when I flip and start using the right side of my brain , I couldn't organize my way out of a paper bag!
If this is something you have figured out, or have suggestions, please share!!

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

It's Winter and this is the stack of books sitting on my nightstand. I read so much on my phone and on my Kobo that I don't touch paperbacks often. But we're going away at the end of the month and all of these will be going into my suitcase, along with my Kobo. :)


Monday, 13 January 2025

What are the perks of being an author you might wonder?? And there are a few. :)
* I have multiple personalities in my head and no one makes me go on medication.
* I buy books guilt free and call it research
* If I spend the entire day in my PJs drinking coffee, in front of my computer. I can say I was writing and everyone tells me I'm doing a good job.
* "I'm researching it for a book." is the best excuse to get out of everything.
* "I'm on a deadline." Get's me out of all sorts of social engagements I want to avoid.
What other perks did I forget?



Sunday, 12 January 2025

 Overwhelm is definitely something the heroine of Power Surge has to deal with.

If it's not the jerk manager at her job, pickup trucks with "truck nuts" driving like an asshat during rush hour is enough. She's also dealing with menopause and the crazy symptoms that includes.

What she didn't expect was the added stress of the superpower she's developed and trying to learn to manage her emotions before she literally explodes and flattens everything around her.

 Story Aesthetic is a hard thing to put into pictures, especially as I get too caught up in details sometimes. :)

I think this is a good representation of Power Surge.
It's a romance, with a powerful, mature, heroine who faces some dark places but has the support of her silly, fur baby and a man who might be her complete opposite but is perfect for her.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Writer's do need to rest and step away from their work, at times. Personally, I need time to refill my creative well and I do that by curling up with a coffee, a book ,or knitting while listening to an audiobook.

My current project is a pair of mitts for my good friend @roxymews . She introduced me to the darker monster romances and I'm obsessed. LoL We read Kidnapped by the Krampus together last month.

When I saw this pattern, I knew I had to make her a pair! :) Originally I wanted them competed as a present for Yule, but typically I didn't have them completed as quickly as I originally planned.